Skate Visa multiplies your Ollies, accelerates future earnings, and unlocks exclusive perks within the Skate ecosystem.

Purchasing a Skate Visa gives a significant one time Ollies bonus, our way of giving back to the community for supporting us. Each Skatepark account can only purchase 1 Visa. The bonuses and multipliers only apply once to each account. You may purchase a Visa from the SkatePark on Solana, Eclipse, TON, Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, Mantle.

How Visa Multipliers Work?

Purchasing a visa will give you two multipliers.

  1. The first smaller multiplier will apply to your Testnet phase activities.

    • This multiplier will apply to your Ollies earned from the Skate Rebel and Skateboard Workshop campaigns.
    • This does not include referrals.
  2. The second larger multiplier is applied to all of your mainnet activities on Skate.

    • This includes interacting with any of our cross-VM apps like Polymarket on Eclipse and TON.
    • This boost also applies to quests and check-ins on our Telegram mini-app.