Refer to Stateless App Cookbook#Kernel.

The intents on EVM chains are EIP191 signed signatures.

To construct the message and validate the signed EVM intent, there are two steps:

  1. Get data hash
function getDataHashForUser(
    address user,
    address appAddress,
    bytes calldata intentCalldata
) public view override returns (bytes memory encodedData) {
    encodedData = abi.encode(

Perform getDataHashByUser() call on any Stateless app to retrieve data hash.

  1. Sign data hash For signing, we will be abiding by the [EIP-191] standard( This is supported by popular libraries such as ethers and wallets.

Recall the Task structure on Message box,

struct Task {
    bytes32 appAddress;
    bytes taskCalldata;
    bytes32 user;
    uint256 chainId;
    uint256 vmType; // 1 = EVM | 2 = TON | 3 = SOLANA | etc..

After the tasks are created, the serialized EVM message is verified by Skate AVS and then scheduled for execution on EVM periphery contracts.